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    Teaching to Learn, Learning to Teach

    School News

    21 Nov, 2011

    10 : 00

    • One of the great benefits of working in a school environment is that both children and staff are continually exposed to new aspects of learning.

      YCIS Shanghai’s once-per-semester In‐Service Day is designed for teachers to pause and share their best practices that can apply to other classrooms. Earlier this month, a number of teachers shared their areas of expertise. These ranged from sessions on MacBook programmes to Inquiry-Based Learning which showed the way to encourage students to learn and grow, and to support students for whom English is an Additional Language.

      “At YCIS, we want and expect students and staff to be lifelong learners,” say Puxi ECE & Primary Co-Principals Ms. Julie Zheng and Mr. Andrew Mellor. “These days are important as they allow us to acknowledge the relevant and outstanding skills of our teachers, and enable staff to be exposed to new and different skills that they can incorporate in their learning programmes.”

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