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    Success for YCIS Shanghai MUN Club!

    School News

    14 Feb, 2012

    10 : 00

    • The Model United Nations (MUN) Club spent a Friday and Saturday in January at the Concordia MUN Conference in Pudong. Fifteen schools from all over Asia competed in the conference that saw over 250 participants.

      The conference was more competitive than the one previously attended in Hangzhou, but the 17 YCIS Shanghai delegates had no trouble keeping up; in fact, they were leading the debates on many occasions.

      “This is a great start for a group of students who are completely new to the MUN,” says teacher Greg Dotzenko, who coaches and advises the MUN team. “Our students are very enthusiastic about joining the club, so we expect even stronger performances at the remaining conferences.”

      Next up are the Nanjing Conference, the Harvard MUN in Beijing and the Xiamen Conference.

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