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    Pudong Boys' Basketball Slam Dunks the Competition!

    School News

    21 Jan, 2013

    10 : 00

    • Hats off to the Pudong boys’ basketball team, which won the end of the season SISAC D2 tournament on January 19. The team beat a number of competitors in a series of close games, followed by the finals where the boys turned it up--after being down by eight points, the team came back to win by four points, 36-32--to seize the championship trophy!

      The team went undefeated through seven of their regular season games, giving them ten wins and zero loss for the year. The dedicated basketball coach Mr Bullard said, “All of the players worked really hard and if you see them on campus, be sure to congratulate them on a fantastic season.”

      Since the team brought home both the regular season and tournament championships this year, expectations will be high for next year; but the YCIS athletes are up to the challenge!