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    Unique YCIS Primary Violin Concert Gets Students on Stage

    School News

    26 May, 2014

    10 : 00

    • Year 2 and 3 students from YCIS Shanghai Hongqiao Campus recently performed before a full house at the Shanghai Theatre Academy during the annual Spring Violin Concert. Over 200 young student violinists treated the audience to a variety of impressive group and solo performances. At YCIS, all students study violin from K4 through Year 3, and the annual Spring Violin Concert showcases the students’ hard work on stage in front of family and friends!

      The wide range of performances throughout the evening were arranged by Mr Gary Sanderson, Music Director for Yew Chung Education Foundation, including the opening piece, YCIS Violin Song. This piece was performed by all Year 2 and Year 3 students together, and was a powerful display of the benefits of this unique programme, which helps students develop both musical ability and appreciation, as well as confidence as they perform on stage.

      The night’s programme included several group performances. Among the highlights were Green and Red from Year 2 students, and Swan Lake from Year 3 students. The crowd also enjoyed an amazing solo performance, First Pupil’s Concerto in D Major Op. 7,performed beautifully by a Year 3 student, Bobby, who began playing violin in Year 1 at YCIS. Bobby is a budding star, having won an award for his age group at the YCIS Seeds of Hope concert in 2013, and he is now playing with the Shanghai New Orchestra.

      According to Mr Sanderson, “Music is part of the philosophy of the Yew Chung Education Foundation, and it presents our children with a number of unique opportunities. Students gain confidence on the stage and are able to express themselves creatively. Through the Violin Programme, they also acquire physical dexterity and mental discipline at an early age.”

      YCIS teachers are also at the core of the Violin Programme, guiding students throughout the year in their musical progress. During the concert, a group of teachers performed Allegro Baroque, as well as vivacious rendition of Amazing Grace and Give Thanks with students.

      The concert ended on a high note with a lively performance of Carmen by all Year 2 and 3 students, demonstrating the benefits of the YCIS Violin Programme, and earning a standing ovation from the crowd!