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    "Wild at Art!" Primary Exhibition Transforms Hongqiao Campus

    School News

    23 Jun, 2014

    10 : 00

    • This month, Hongqiao Campus “C” Building was transformed into a stunning showcase featuring student artwork from Years 1 to 6. The “Wild at Art!” exhibition decorated the already colourful campus with impressive student artwork. The curated collection was a collaboration of the students’ artwork from this year’s Art curriculum, and was planned and led by the Primary Art and Music teachers.

      During the opening night of the exhibition, Mr Brentan Schilling, a Music Teacher at Hongqiao Campus welcomed the attendees with his warm opening remarks. The campus’ Co-Principals, Mr Andrew Mellor and Ms Julie Zheng, then cut the ceremonial ribbon, officially opening the gallery to the larger YCIS community. Guests were welcomed to peruse the gallery, and were treated to a range of musical performances from student choirs, contributing to the evening’s enjoyable atmosphere.

      The three floors of exhibition space included a wide variety of the students’ creative works, from sculptures and dynamic collages, to abstract painting and realistic drawings. Karen, a Year 4 student at Hongqiao Campus, had her work on display at the show. Excited to see her art, she shared, “Art is important because it gives us inspiration, which is part of our learning in school!”

      The gallery also included a large collection from the school’s Artist-in-Residence (AIR), Mr Mark Montgomery. During the opening night and throughout the course of the week-long exhibition, students, parents, and staff were not only able to view the AIR’s remarkable talents, but could also come by to meet him in person through an “open studio week”. Visitors were encouraged to visit Mr Montgomery, to see his works, and to learn about how he works firsthand with students on campus.

      The AIR programme is a unique educational programme offered at YCIS. AIRs are professional artists on campus who help to guide and inspire a range of student artwork projects, beautify the campus through murals and art installations, and are encouraged to develop their personal art portfolio throughout the school year. Mr Montgomery, originally from Jacksonville, Florida in the US, specialises in detailed pen and ink drawings, and primarily works on Hongqiao and Gubei Campuses. Starting in August, YCIS Shanghai is proud to welcome a new AIR, in addition to Mr Montgomery, to join the Regency Park and Century Park Campuses. Ms Esther Chow, a Hong Kong artist who specialises in the forms and colours in nature, particularly floral imagery, will be located at our Pudong campuses, where students will have access to her many years of professional experience, further enriching their arts education.

      To learn more about the distinct AIR programme, and other art and music offerings at YCIS Shanghai, click here.