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    Shanghai Community Recognises YCIS Students and Teachers for Achievements

    School News

    15 Dec, 2015

    10 : 00

    • Last month, Urban Family magazine held a very special award ceremony to recognise top student and teacher achievements in the Shanghai international school community. The inaugural “Young Achievers Day Awards” ceremony received over 150 nominations, and YCIS Shanghai was thrilled to have had a great number of students and teachers earn top awards over a wide range of categories. YCIS student and teacher award winners included:


      • Overall Academic Achievement Award (1st Place): Alexandra, Year 8, Century Park Campus
      • Student Leader Award (1st Place): Rachel, Year 13, Century Park Campus
      • Artist Award (2nd Place): Logan, Year 4, Regency Park Campus
      • Sportsmanship Award (2nd Place): Ansh, Year 2, Regency Park Campus
      • Scientist Award (2nd Place): Gillian, Year 13, Gubei Campus
      • Outstanding Achiever Award (2nd Place): Spencer, Year 13, Century Park Campus
      • Student Leader Award (3rd Place): Gillian, Year 13, Gubei Campus
      • Athletic Award (3rd Place): Jara, Year 4, Regency Park Campus
      • Musician Award (3rd Place): Bobby, Year 5, Hongqiao Campus
      • Artist Award (3rd Place): Beth, Year 11, Century Park Campus
      • Language Master Award (3rd Place): Spencer, Year 13, Century Park Campus
      • Musician Award (3rd Place): Alice, Year 10, Century Park Campus
      • Mathematician Award (Editor’s Pick): Zachary, Year 9, Century Park Campus; and Michael, Year 13, Century Park Campus
      • Musician Award (Editor’s Pick): Hei In, Year 6, Century Park Campus; Rheanna, Year 10, Century Park Campus; Gladys, Year 12, Gubei Campus; Emily, Year 12, Gubei Campus; and Melody, Year 13, Gubei Campus
      • Student Leader Award (Editor’s Pick): Warren, Year 13, Century Park Campus
      • Altruism Award (Editor’s Pick): Jenna, Year 13, Gubei Campus


      • English Teacher of the Year (1st Place): Glenda Perks, Century Park Campus
      • Primary School Teacher of the Year (1st Place): Elizabeth Hambleton, Century Park Campus
      • Coach of the Year (2nd Place): Warren Newbery, Gubei Campus
      • Inspiring Teacher of the Year (2nd Place): Gordon Wilkinson, Century Park Campus
      • Math Teacher of the Year (2nd Place): Jessica Manni, Century Park Campus
      • Music Teacher of the Year (2nd Place): Sally Davis, Gubei Campus
      • Science Teacher of the Year (2nd Place): Danielle Thal, Century Park Campus
      • Art Teacher of the Year (3rd Place): Belinda Vicars, Century Park Campus; Anita Dai, Regency Park Campus; and Martin Cockram, Gubei Campus
      • Chinese Teacher of the Year (3rd Place): Jessica Cao, Gubei Campus
      • English Teacher of the Year (3rd Place): Julie Greenall, Century Park Campus
      • Inspiring Teacher of the Year (3rd Place): Terry Schaeffer, Gubei Campus
      • Math Teacher of the Year (3rd Place): Laura Towle, Gubei Campus
      • Supportive Teacher of the Year (3rd Place): Christian Hildebrandt, Gubei Campus
      • Music Teacher of the Year (3rd Place): Nick Adgemis, Century Park Campus
      • Science Teacher of the Year (3rd Place): Siobhan Paul, Century Park Campus
      • Principal of the Year (3rd Place): Richard Swann and Isabel Xu, Gubei Campus
      • Inspiring Teacher of the Year (Editor’s Pick): Dan Stains, Century Park Campus
      • Music Teacher of the Year (Editor’s Pick): Cherry Chen, Hongqiao Campus
      • Chinese Teacher of the Year (Editor’s Pick): Wei Jin, Hongqiao Campus
      • Coach of the Year (Editor’s Pick): Joshua Pike, Century Park Campus

      Congratulations to all of the award winners! To learn more about the incredible achievements of YCIS students, click here.