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    YCIS Shanghai Gubei Campus Hosts Puxi's Largest University Fair

    School News

    22 Mar, 2018

    10 : 00

    • This month, the University Guidance Office at YCIS Shanghai’s Gubei Campus held its third annual ‘University Fest’, and it was the largest yet, with 177 universities present and more than 600 attendees. The event was open to all students and parents in Shanghai interested in finding out more about university options and college life.

      On the day, students of all ages turned up, from Primary through Upper Secondary, along with their parents, to have the opportunity to learn more about the schools in attendance, and to be able to ask in-depth questions about the programmes available.

      The fair featured representatives from notable universities from around the world, including University College London and Kings College London, University of Edinburgh, Colgate University, Wellesley College, Boston University, City University of Hong Kong, University of Sydney, Waseda University, University of British Columbia, and many more.

      In addition, nine workshops offered advice on subjects including how to write a personal statement, information on scholarships and financial aid, as well as opportunities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) courses.

      There was also an alumni panel during the event featuring students from prestigious schools including Harvard University, giving attendees the chance to understand a broad range of perspectives from actual alumni.

      The event was organised by the Gubei Campus’ University Guidance Office team, Mr John Liu, Ms Karen Ozkurt, and Ms Sonja Phongsavanh. Mr Liu, Head of University Guidance and Professional Growth Coordinator at the campus, was thrilled with the reception of the event, saying, “We’re in our third year of hosting our University Fest now, and the event year has just blown us away with how well it went! The fair is an incredible opportunity for us to give back to the community and bring in a wide range of wonderful colleges to show students from all over the city the opportunities out there for them.”

      Beyond the University Fest, the University Guidance Counselors at YCIS Shanghai host an abundance of college visits throughout the year to help students understand their options. Furthermore, the officers teach preparatory classes as part of the curriculum for students in Years 10-13, and they also host several open-to-the-public career workshops for students throughout the school year.

      To learn about the University Guidance programme at YCIS, please click here.