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    See What's Cooking at YCIS Shanghai

    School News

    21 Dec, 2020

    10 : 00

    • What’s the recipe for a successful Christmas concert? Read more below to find out!

      1. Take dozens of YCIS Shanghai students
      2. Place them on a stage
      3. Give them an array of musical instruments
      4. Throw on some red Santa hats
      5. Sprinkle a heavy dose of Christmas cheer
      6. Live stream the performances 

      And voilà – that is a perfect ‘2020-proof’ Christmas celebration for our school community!

      To enjoy the live streams from our different sections and campuses, follow the links below.

      👉🏻 YCIS Puxi, Primary

      👉🏻 YCIS Puxi, Secondary

      👉🏻 YCIS Pudong, Lower Primary

      👉🏻 YCIS Pudong, Upper Primary and Secondary