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    YCIS Students Winning in Maths Competitions

    School News

    13 Feb, 2023

    12 : 57

    • YCIS Shanghai has always been well-recognised for its outstanding results in mathematics and recently our students received impressive scorecards from a number of major international competitions. Congratulations to all who participated!



      A total of eight YCIS Shanghai students advanced to the American Invitational Mathematics Competition (AIME) at the AMC. Jerry Lo, a Year 12 student from Pudong Campus was ranked among the top 1% globally and received the AMC 12A Hornor Roll of DistinctionJingbo, a Year 12 student from Puxi Campus, received the AMC 12A Honor Roll, while Sungwoo and Leo, both studying in Year 11 at Pudong, and Jason, a Year 10 student from Puxi received the AMC 10A Honor Roll



      Lucas, David and Felix from Pudong Campus won bronze medals in the American Mathematical Olympiad and were ranked 10th, 14th and 30thworldwide, respectively.



      Congratulations to our YCIS students who participated in the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) with fantastic results: 11 students received Gold Awards, 5 Silver, and 5 Bronze! It is worth mentioning that Jason, who attended the competition 2 years above age, won a Silver Award.



      Every year, YCIS Shanghai organises extra-curricular mathematics competitions for students who excel in the subject. In addition to the regular curriculum, these challenges help stimulate students' thinking and further unleash their learning potential. Because of our intense focus on this core subject, we know that we can expect continued success from our Maths students in future competitions!