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    Changning Key Teacher Training Programme Successfully Concludes

    School News

    04 Mar, 2024

    10 : 38

    • On March 1st, the Changning District Key Teachers' Training Programme Partnership with International schools successfully concluded at YCIS Shanghai Puxi. Dignitaries including Ms Chen Ying, Vice District Mayor of Changning District, Mr Zhang Min, Deputy Director of the Education Bureau of Changning District, Ms Zong Hong, Head of the Changning Bureau Early Childhood Education Division, Ms Xue Yiling, Deputy Head of the Nursery and Kindergarten Section of the Changning District Education Bureau, Mr Chen Dejiang, Deputy Head of Changning District Institute of Education, and Mr Wu Yue, representative of the core school principals of the International Education Alliance, along with other distinguished guests, attended the event to witness this significant moment together.


      The ceremony was hosted by Ms Daisy Xu, the ECE Chinese Coordinator at YCIS Puxi. Mr Chen Dejiang led off the speeches, highlighting the significant contributions of YCIS Shanghai to the Changning educational landscape since the inaugural collaboration on kindergarten principal training in 2014. He commended YCIS for its ongoing commitment and support through diverse teacher training programs that have enhanced deep exchanges between schools in the district.


      Ms Chen Lu from Yuyuan Road Kindergarten, speaking on behalf of the participating teachers, expressed gratitude for the meticulous organisation of the programme by YCIS Shanghai. She highlighted the impact of the school's environment on stimulating children's curiosity and desire to explore.


      Ms Lu Yi, a mathematics teacher at Shanghai No. 3 Girls' Middle School, shared her insights from observing classes at YCYW, noting the innovative classroom design, the focus on fostering students' comprehensive abilities, and the dynamic interaction between teachers and students.



      Mr Wu Yue, Principal of Loushan Middle School, speaking on behalf of the principals of the core schools in the International Education Alliance, expressed gratitude to Changning District Education Institute for providing a valuable learning platform and to YCIS Shanghai for their generous knowledge sharing. He noted that the training programme expanded teachers' horizons and bolstered their enthusiasm for international education. Looking ahead, Changning educators will persist in adopting advanced international educational philosophies to cultivate future talents with a global perspective.


      Following on, Ms Gladys Au, ECE Superintendent of YCYW extended a warm welcome and thanks to all participating teachers. She expressed a desire for increased collaboration with Changning District schools in the future to further advance educational endeavours.


      Mr Zhang Min, in his subsequent address, emphasised the critical importance of integrating Eastern and Western educational philosophies, urging a mutual exchange of experiences to enhance strengths. He underscored the necessity for collaboration among schools within Changning District and invited teachers from YCIS Shanghai to engage with public schools, aiming to jointly elevate educational standards and cultivate students with a global perspective and international competitiveness, thus contributing to a promising educational future.


      Ms Chen Ying, Deputy District Mayor of Changning, delivered a summarising speech, sharing three insights from the conference. Firstly, she noted the genuine respect for children and the relaxed confidence of teachers observed at YCIS Shanghai, calling for a return to the essence of education through deep understanding and reflection.


      Secondly, she stated that international education extends beyond Western models, advocating for the integration of China's rich cultural heritage into modern educational practices. Ms Chen encouraged increased interaction between public and international schools to foster mutual growth and reflection in education and teaching. Lastly, she expressed a keen desire for international school teachers to engage with public school classrooms in the future, enhancing educational resources and sparking innovation.


      In an atmosphere of cordiality, Ms Chen Ying, Mr Zhang Min, Ms Gladys Au, and Ms Mary Yu, Education Director of YCYW, presented completion certificates to the participating teachers and joined them for the group photo.


      This "Training Programme Partnership for Key Teachers in Mathematics, Science, Physics, and Kindergarten" marks a significant stride in Changning District's journey towards the internationalisation of basic education. The initiative benefits students, teachers, and schools alike and lays a foundation for the district's international education goals outlined in the "14th Five-Year Plan." Looking ahead, YCIS Shanghai will continue to invigorate Changning's educational landscape, contributing to the development of a globally competitive next generation.