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    New Zealand Principals Visit YCIS Shanghai

    School News

    11 Oct, 2023

    12 : 51

    • On September 27th, a distinguished delegation of 10 experts from the New Zealand Principals' Training Programme in China took part in a visit to the YCIS Shanghai Pudong Century Park Campus. The programme was hosted in partnership with Beijing Language and Culture University and sponsored by the Chinese-Foreign Language Exchange and Cooperation Center.


      The visit included a welcome reception followed by a tour of the campus. The visiting team reciprocated by sharing their own experience, philosophies and educational approach. They talked about alignment between the two and expressed their admiration of our school's facilities, teaching model and internationalism.

      As the visit drew to a close, the guests partook in a delightful exchange of gifts, even signing a traditional Maori song, making a charming conclusion to the day.


      Over the years, YCIS Shanghai has actively collaborated with world-class universities, exhibiting an unwavering commitment to high-quality international education and curricula.


      The New Zealand Principal’s Training Programme not only deepened the friendship between schools in China and New Zealand but also provided our educators with fresh perspectives and insights. Looking forward, we eagerly anticipate more opportunities for exchanges across the globe, as we know it promotes innovation and development in education.