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    Unstoppable Spirit of YCIS SH Grads '22

    School News

    01 Jul, 2022

    10 : 00

    • Graduation is a word that brings the sentiments of nostalgia, growth, love, companionship, longing, blessings, and hope to mind. On June 30, we held an online graduation ceremony for the 50 graduates of the YCIS Shanghai Class of 2022 with teachers, parents, and loved ones who had been with them all along the way. Although we are in a period of social distancing, it is undeniable that every one of the participants and attendees felt a range of emotions. The graduation ceremony was not only the end of a journey but also a symbol of a new beginning, as they move from high school to the vast, ever-changing world around them.


      The ceremony was led by Chinese Teacher Ms Li Li and Secondary Vice-Principal Mr Dusten Kent.


      The ceremony saw speeches by Co-Principals Ms Linda Li and Mr Damien Hehir, and Year 13 student representatives addressing their fellow graduates. CEO Dr Betty Chan Po-king also delivered an uplifting address to the Class of 2022.


      During her address, Dr Chan acknowledged the changes this cohort has seen in their education journey by starting with, “This is no ordinary graduation.” Dr Chan continues, “you have all fought exceptionally hard in these pandemic times to adapt, innovate, and learn. You have done so with resilience, brilliance, and spirit. Congratulations, you have much to smile about.”


      Dr Chan concluded by leaving our graduates with wise advice, “It is time for us to send you out into the beckoning world outside to find your destinies, do your bit, give back to society, help the disadvantaged, make breakthroughs, and provide an enlightened and compassionate leadership for a fast-changing world.


      In Ms Linda Li's speech, she praised the resilience shown by this year's graduates during their studies and encouraged them to carry this virtue forward. “Over the past two months, we have all experienced unprecedented hardships in fighting the epidemic in Shanghai. You have managed to overcome the stress and difficulties despite the enormous challenges and difficulties. Your bravery, perseverance, determination, and resilience deserve my awe and respect. This heartfelt experience has been a unique life experience for you and will be a unique memory forever. You have lost a lot because of the pandemic, but please also remember what you have gained: independence, determination, and the ability to cope with life's unknown changes.


      Mr Damien Hehir, who has been at YCIS for more than 20 years and knows many of the graduates since they started their academic journeys, encouraged them to “be lifelong learners, have courage and be risk-takers”. He added, “we know you will make mistakes, but we hope you learn from them and get better as a result.” Mr Hehir concluded his address by quoting Michael Josephson, “Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.


      Frank and Sophia, former student Co-captains of YCIS Puxi, and Kandy and Charles, YCIS Pudong Head Prefects, spoke about their unforgettable years together.


      Frank mentioned, “When we look back at our 12 or 13 years in school, what sticks out as a core memory is different for each one of us. I think it is nice not only to reminisce on large or significant events but also think of the everyday moments.


      Kandy took the opportunity to express her gratitude to the teachers and parents who have provided an array of support.


      She said, “We must not forget the teachers and staff who have supported us throughout our time at YCIS. Even during times as arduous as e-learning, you have given us the most backing possible. Thank you for your patience, care, and dedication to guiding and shaping our future. The best lessons are not learned from the book but from the hearts of extraordinary teachers. We all owe the greatest deal of gratitude to you. We are also grateful for all the support from our families, who had continually believed in us, and friends helping us through challenging moments, making each passing day more memorable and enriching. The memories we've made together we will forever cherish.


      The hard work of the YCIS Shanghai Class of 2022 has cultivated a glittering assortment of University offers and scholarship awards:

      • Offers from the top 30 universities worldwide, including:
        • Oxford University
        • Imperial College of Technology
        • London School of Economics and Political Science
        • University of Edinburgh
        • University of Michigan
        • University of Washington
        • Georgia Institute of Technology
        • University of Toronto
        • University of Hong Kong
        • Peking University
        *according to Times Higher Education World Reputation Ranking
      • A total of RMB 5.2 million in scholarships and awards
      • Offers from a breadth of regions, including the UK, USA, Canada, The Netherlands, Spain, Australia, Germany, Singapore, Japan, India, Hong Kong and Mainland, with about 40% of offers coming from the UK and about 35% from the USA
      • A myriad of disciplines as diverse as our student body, including:
        • Finance
        • Law
        • Economics
        • Engineering
        • Computer Science
        • Physics and Astrophysics
        • Biomedicine, Microbiology
        • Psychology
        • Fine Arts
        • Illustration
        • Industrial Design
        • Fashion
        • Education
        • Gender Studies
        • Philosophy
        • Sports Science
        • Film
        • Music

      We wish our graduates the best of luck in their future ambitions and hope to see great things from them! Congratulations, YCIS Shanghai Class of 2022!