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    Leadership through the eyes of School Captains…

    Student Blog

    23 Mar, 2016

    10 : 00

    • Dylan and Karen, Year 6, Hongqiao Campus, House Captains 

      Nelson Mandela wrote, “Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated and passionate about what they do”. As Hongqiao Campus School Captains, we believe that leadership is about being passionate and dedicated to your cause.

      We also believe that you can show your dedication and passion in four different ways: being confident, being responsible, always being well prepared, and being a good role model.

      As School Captains, we’ve had many different opportunities to develop in these four areas. We’ve built our confidence through public speaking at whole school assemblies and also during our Giving Tree trip ceremony in December where we spoke to the students, staff, and visiting members of a migrant school. We believe that the way in which you present yourself and your body language plays an important part in showing confidence. A good leader should make eye contact and have good posture. We develop responsibility when we are asked to organise events along with our Student Council members. As House Captains we are always on time for meetings and we finish the projects that we’ve started. We’ve been asked to attend different kinds of meetings with teachers, Co-Principals, and also a visiting accreditation team. For these, we had to be well-prepared and ready to answer questions. Finally, we believe that we are good role models for the other students at YCIS, as we always wear the correct school uniform and follow our school’s ‘Helping Hands’.

      We look forward to further developing as leaders, whilst supporting and helping the students at YCIS’s Hongqiao Campus throughout the rest of this year!