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    How I Like to Spend My Free Time on Campus

    Student Blog

    10 Apr, 2019

    10 : 00

    • Life on campus is never limited here at YCIS Shanghai. It is common to see students enjoying themselves in the school during breaks and even after school, certainly not feeling compelled to leave as soon as the bell rings. Many students prefer to stay in the library, a quiet and peaceful place that is suitable for both revising and chatting with friends, and I am also one of those who often frequent the library. It’s a tranquil place, as no one will be disturbing me, and nothing will distract me, which helps me to focus better. The cafeteria is also an option during breaks to buy some tempting snacks to fuel my brain, but, most of all, I prefer spending my free time out on the field when possible.

      When the weather is fair, the field is a great place to be. The swings are my personal favourite –they are large enough for students to lay down and free their minds, all while enjoying the view of blue skies and white clouds. The soft sunlight reactivates tired minds and clears any anxiety from schoolwork. A simple pleasure is to go out onto the field and walk around the track at its perimeter. The field is a manageable size, so it gives me a sense of accomplishment as I find myself doing numerous laps, and I become even more satisfied knowing how healthy I am being.

      Free time on campus is an opportunity for me to relax, and definitely a way to create a bond with the school and my peers.

      By Joanne, Year 11, YCIS Pudong Secondary