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    The 10th International School Chinese Language Education (ISCLE) Conference and Workshop

    Upcoming Events

    15 Aug, 2023

    15 : 18

    The International School Chinese Language Education (ISCLE) conference and workshop have been a significant platform for scholars, frontline educators, and university students since 2013. It provides a unique opportunity for them to explore the challenges and opportunities of teaching Chinese in the international school context.


    This year, ISCLE will celebrate its 10th anniversary and resume conducting in-person conferences. Yew Chung International School of Hong Kong will host the event with special significance.


    The 10th ISCLE, themed “Vision and Direction of International Chinese Language Education in the Era of New Global Challenges”, will be held from 1 December to 3 December 2023. Education experts from universities and international schools in Greater China and other regions will explore 6 conference sub-themes, including “Learning and Teaching in the Era of Emerging Technologies”, “Bilingual Education and Learning Communities”, and “Character Education in International Education”.


    Registration is now open for the conference.  We cordially invite you to share your research findings and teaching experiences, as well as to discuss with other educators the changes in the teaching of the Chinese language within the international education context in recent years and other related topics.


    For details and registration, please refer to the promotional poster to scan the QR code. If you are interested in being the speaker, please submit your abstract by scanning the "Call for Abstracts" QR code on the promotional poster before 31 August 2023. Results will be announced in mid-September.

    About ISCLE

    To promote research and practice in Chinese language education in the international school context, the Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language at the Kaohsiung Normal University found the first ISCLE conference and workshop in 2013. Later, the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong jointly organized the second and third ISCLE in 2014 and 2015. Since then, ISCLE has been hosted by a number of institutions across the Greater China region and beyond, including I-Shou University, I-Shou International School, United World College (Changshu, China) and East China Normal University, Canadian International School (Singapore), Wesley College (Melbourne, Australia), and Taiwan Normal University. This year, ISCLE is hosted by Yew Chung International School (Hong Kong) and co-hosted by The University of Hong Kong. Each of these institutions brought their unique perspectives and experiences to the conference, enriching the discussions and creating new opportunities for collaboration.


    The activities of ISCLE include a range of events, such as keynote speeches, paper presentations, and workshops, with a focus on integrating theory and practice. One of ISCLE's distinguishing features is the combination of theoretical insights and practical applications in its activities. The conference also provides a platform for participants to share their research findings, pedagogical practices, and innovative ideas related to Chinese language education in the international school context, through paper presentations and workshops.