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    Pokémon art derivatives K11

    Gala Day Auction

    08 Jun, 2023

    10 : 49

    • From December 31, 2022 to May 7, 2023, internationally renowned artists Daniel Arsham and Pokémon's first joint art project, "Artifacts of Indigo Plateau Remnants", was exhibited at K11 Shanghai. As the first artist to receive the support of the Pokémon Library, Daniel Arsham presents the story of "A Ripple in Time" co-created with Pokémon to the real world with a unique concept of "fictional archaeology" and a design of the erosion of time.​

      Sweatshirts, T-shirts and scarves art derivatives are classic totems that combine Pokémon and Daniel Arsham, using trendy clothing to highlight the glamour of art.


      Donor: K11​

      Market Value: (¥) 3,000