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    Spring River in the Morning Light

    Gala Day Auction

    08 Jun, 2023

    10 : 53

    • The River signifies the vibrant and lively nature of children, resembling the energy and vitality of a flowing river during the season of spring. While the Sun represents the Yew Wah school, akin to the radiant and uplifting morning sun, illuminating and rising with brilliance. The artwork encapsulates the vision of Yew Wah, emphasizing the potential and growth of every child within their educational journey.  Painted by Mr Tan Shangren, a member of the China Artists Association and a senior painter at Shanghai Fine Arts Publishing House. 


      Size: 109cm*220cm

      Donor: Mr. Jinfei Lu & Mrs. Shirley Shi (YWIES Shanghai Lingang parents)
      Market Value:  (¥) 50,000 ​

    •  Spring River in the Morning Light