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    Warm Welcome for New Parents at the YCIS Welcome BBQ's

    School News

    10 Aug, 2012

    10 : 00

    • Just before the school year commenced, all new students and their families were warmly invited to attend the YCIS Welcome Barbecues in both Puxi and Pudong. There was fun for everyone, enjoying delicious food, games, activities, and a chance to connect with other new families and YCIS staff. Mr Tom Ulmet, Superintendent of YCIS in Mainland China, and the YCIS Shanghai Co-Principals and Co-ordinators were able to answer questions and get to know new families throughout a fun evening.

      Everyone in attendance could feel the warmth, not only from the glow of the setting summer sun, but also from the strong sense of community at YCIS. It was a great way to start the school year!