School News
School News
11 Oct, 2012
10 : 00
On the evening of October 10, 2012, students, parents, teachers, and friends gathered in the Assembly Hall of YCIS Shanghai Gubei Campus for the inaugural IGCSE Visual & Performing Arts Showcase. This evening was a presentation of the gifted works from the recently completed IGCSE examinations in Art and Design, Design and Technology, Drama, and Music that highlight the school’s motto – YCIS will align with culture and arts – in our 80th anniversary.
Those in attendance were treated to wonderful live music and drama performances from current Year 12 students Isabelle, Patrick, Jae Yong, Peter and Jerry, and an exhibition-styled arrangement of Art and Design and Technology works. Workbooks were on display for all to admire and critique. The crowd was also entertained by background music composed by students.
One of the most pleasing aspects of the event was the large number of younger IGCSE students in attendance. These students were able to see first-hand what it will take to be successful in their IGCSE examinations. For the students performing and displaying works, it also gave them a wonderful opportunity to experience some of the requirements of the IB programme they will have to meet.
An evening like this could never work without the wonderfully talented students who provided the performances and displays. To all the students who completed exams in Art and Design, Design and Technology, Drama and Music, congratulations on your tremendous efforts and results!