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    Red Dress Day for Charity

    School News

    23 Jan, 2013

    10 : 00

    • It was a sea of red at YCIS Shanghai Gubei Campus when all students, teachers, and non-teaching staff were invited to wear either a Chinese traditional costume or a red costume to celebrate Chinese New Year and raise funds for charity. In addition, a variety of activities were held for all, including Beijing Opera face painting, Chinese calligraphy, a magic show, a Chinese fashion show, and several sports activities.

      After a day of fun activities, learning, and cultural celebration, the most rewarding aspect was the money raised for charity: over RMB 4,000 yuan that will go to support the Seeds of Hope fund, to be used to finance the facilities of a Hope School in Qufu, Shandong Province. Now that’s a cause we can all get dressed up for!