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    Helping Students Transition from Primary to Secondary

    School News

    09 Jul, 2013

    10 : 00

    • As the 2012/2013 School Year drew to a close, the Secondary department at YCIS Shanghai Gubei Campus conducted the annual, Year 7 Induction Day, hosting the existing Year 6 students, along with newly enrolled Year 7 students, for a morning of Secondary classes. The goal of this morning programme is to support student confidence about moving from the familiarity of the Primary classroom, to the multi-teacher and timetable-orientated Secondary environment.

      The day was structured such that students were introduced to a range of new subjects, including Design & Technology, Personal Social and Health Education, and Geography. They also explored topics in familiar subjects, including English, Chinese, Performing Arts, Physical Education, and Art. In addition to meeting new teachers, the “inductees” also met a number of current Year 7 students, who enthusiastically chaperoned them between classes, answered questions, gave them tips and suggestions for the upcoming school year, and graciously helped them through the morning of activities and lessons.

      It was another very successful Induction Day, and we look forwards to welcoming our new Year 7 cohorts in August.

      Contributed by: Mr Terence Dayes, Key Stage 3 Co-ordinator