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    Drama Students Perform to Raise Fund for Charity

    School News

    14 Apr, 2015

    10 : 00

    • “We are all special, unique and talented. We all have something important to share with the world.” This was an important theme in Freckleface Strawberry: The Musical, a fantastic children's musical that was staged this past April in the black box theatre at Gubei Campus. 

      Directed by Drama Teacher, Mr Robert Dil, a cast of six Year 11and one Year 10 IGCSE Drama Students brought the many wonderful songs, scenes, and energy of this show to life. The two daytime performances not only delighted families from the community, but the show also raised money for CereCare, a Shanghai organisation that supports young people living with Cerebral Palsy. In total RMB 5005 yuan was raised through the performances. Mr Dil says, “It was a lot of creative fun to put together this production with a talented cast of young actors and our very supportive Performing Arts Department. It also made the production extra special that we were able to support CereCare.”

      Reflecting upon their performances, the students shared their experiences from the production.

      • Alex, Year 11: "The fact that we raised funds for charity motivated me to push myself even further in my performance!"
      • AoLan, Year 11: “It was so much fun to return back to the mindset of a 7-year-old!"
      • Frances, Year 11: “I enjoyed how we could convey such a sense of joy to the audience!"
      • James, Year 11: “I had a great time working with my fellow actors. I would definitely do it again!"
      • Marc, Year 11: “I had lots of fun with the production!”
      • Millie, Year 11: "I really enjoyed being part of this production because it was so different from what we usually perform. The level of energy was more than we have ever experienced before!"

      Throughout the year, YCIS integrates charity into the curriculum through a wide range of opportunities and Co-curricular activities to help develop global-minded, caring students. In fact, many of the charity projects at YCIS are actually initiated and implemented by the students themselves. To learn more about charity at YCIS, click here.