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    Unique Violin Programme Showcased during Annual Concert

    School News

    04 May, 2015

    10 : 00

    • Young student violinists in Year 2 and 3 at Hongqiao Campus recently took centre stage at the Shanghai City Theatre for their annual Spring Violin Concert. More than 200 young student violinists delighted the audience with a variety of performances, highlighting their learning in class.

      The student performers kept with the tradition of previous violin concerts and opened with a crowd favourite, “Violin Song”, composed by YCIS’s own Music Director, Mr Gary Sanderson. Throughout the evening, guests were also treated to several Year level and class performances, as well as quartet and solo performances. At the close of the evening, all students took the stage together to perform a lively grand finale, accompanied by their music teachers.

      At YCIS, all students study violin starting in Kindergarten through Year 3. The annual Spring Violin Concert is a shining showcase of the students’ hard work, as they perform on stage in front of family and friends. With this start on the stage at such a young age, YCIS students build performance skills and confidence, as well as develop a lifelong appreciation for music.

      To learn more about the violin and other music programmes at YCIS Shanghai, click here.