School News
School News
05 May, 2015
10 : 00
This year, the annual Environment Week for Primary students at the Regency Park and Century Park campuses was another great success. The week, planned by the school’s Environment Committee, involved all students in a wide variety of activities that helped them to understand the effects humans have on the environment and YCIS’s commitment to make a positive difference.
Saving the Environment, One Homework Assignment at a Time All Primary students were challenged to complete paperless homework for the entire week. Students completed Maths assignments, read books, and finished writing assignments using USBs instead of paper, and focused on the importance of saving paper when possible.
Waste-Free Wednesday Students were excited about “Waste-Free Wednesday”, which promoted a focus on reducing packaging and food waste. Throughout the week, students were encouraged to pack waste-free snacks and lunches. They were also reminded to eat what they took and to kindly ask the cafeteria staff for small portions if desired. On Waste-Free Wednesday, Student Council members collected and weighed the food waste from each class. Teachers commented that it was difficult to weigh the waste because students had been very diligent, and there was so little waste that it hardly showed up on the scale!
Studying Silkworms As part of an Environment Week tradition, each class received a box of silkworms to take care of. With guidance from their teachers, students observed and learnt about the small animal’s lifecycle and watched them hatch into moths.
Million Tree Project Assembly During the week, two Secondary students from the Century Park Campus came to the Regency Park Campus to talk about the Million Tree Project. The goal of the Million Tree Project is to plant a million trees in Inner Mongolia. It costs RMB 25 yuan to plant a tree, and the Million Tree Project is on target to plant a million trees by 2017.Our Secondary students get very involved in the project, both by raising funds and by traveling to Inner Mongolia to help plant the trees themselves.
Tree-Cycling After learning about the Million Tree Project and how much it helps the environment, students were excited by the challenge to recycle. Students were asked to bring in paper and cardboard from home for “Tree-Cycling”. At the end of the week, the paper waste was weighed and the money earned from the paper recycling was put towards more trees in Inner Mongolia.
Green Dress Day On Friday, it was Green Dress Day – with a sea of green on campus! With a donation of RMB 25 yuan, students were able to wear green clothing for the day in lieu of their school uniform, and the students who proudly wore green did an excellent job of contributing money to the Million Tree Project. As a result of the students’ efforts, YCIS raised enough money from this day alone to plant an additional 760 trees in Inner Mongolia!
“PE Department Environment Police” to the Rescue During Environment Week, all Year 1-4 students were a part of the “YCIS PE Environment Police”. Their job was to throw all of the “trash” (replaced by different kinds of balls) that was spread out around the gym into their own trashcan. The students were told to collect the pieces of trash one-by-one and to throw them into their trashcan from the designated throwing areas. The House Team that collected the most pieces of “trash” received House points. The students really enjoyed the activity while improving their throwing skills.
Monet’s Lily Pond Monet’s Lily Pond was at Giverny, but a likeness can now been seen at YCIS! As an Environment Week art project, the students from Year 5 and 6 collected used plastic bottles and bubble wrap to be painted and constructed into a masterpiece. The finished product is on display at the Century Park Campus.
Through a combination of student and teacher efforts, and with support from parents, this year’s Environment Week raised money to plant trees, reduced waste, and raised awareness about important environmental issues. This is part of the philosophy at YCIS Shanghai, as the school is committed to making a positive environmental impact in the world all year round!