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    "Teas" Welcome New Parents to the YCIS Community

    School News

    14 Sep, 2015

    10 : 00

    • YCIS Shanghai greatly values its relationships with students’ parents, and supports their involvement and interest in being part of the school community. To help encourage new parents to join in school activities, and to provide an introduction to key staff, programmes, and events at the school, YCIS recently invited all new parents to “Welcome Tea” morning sessions across all of its four campuses.

      During the morning sessions, families were able to meet Co-Principals, Vice Principals, Curriculum Co-ordinators, and Parent Relations Officers, and they heard presentations about the philosophy and objectives of YCIS, as well as about school programmes and activities. In addition, they were able to spend some time getting to know other new parents, and the event also featured a number of Shanghai-based medical, grocery, and community-related services which provide helpful information about their organisations to the new families now settling into Shanghai.

      The Welcome Teas are a wonderful opportunity for new parents to find out more about how to get involved with the Parent Organisations of Puxi and Pudong, and to hear about the many exciting events they have planned for the 2015/2016 school year. To learn more about the active parent community at YCIS, click here.