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    YCIS Families Enjoy POP Picnic and Bazaar

    School News

    21 Oct, 2015

    10 : 00

    • It was fun for all last weekend at the annual YCIS Community Picnic and Bazaar. Regency Park Campus was buzzing with activity throughout the day, which was planned by the Parents Organisation Pudong (POP). The event was a huge success and great fun for the entire international school community to enjoy!

      The parents’ hard work resulted in a fantastic range of activities with something for everyone, including a wide range of carnival-style games for younger children hosted by parents, teachers, and Secondary students, and live musical performances throughout the day by a number of talented student groups, including Secondary rock bands and the Primary Do Re Mi choir. Families enjoyed the sunny afternoon with their picnic blankets spread out across the campus’ spacious sports field, enjoying the gorgeous autumn weather and the delicious food offerings from several international food vendors in Shanghai. Parents were also able to get their “shopping fix” from a number of community vendors on the day, with items for sale ranging from imported food to fashion, photography, fitness, and more. Attendees could even enter the event’s “lucky draw”, which had exciting prizes for some fortunate winners.

      The annual POP Picnic and Bazaar is just one of the many vibrant community activities held at YCIS Shanghai’s campuses in both Pudong and Puxi. To learn more about the active and growing parent community at YCIS, click here.