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    Students Learn the Value of Research and Creativity during Science Fair

    School News

    29 Feb, 2016

    10 : 00

    • Last week, Primary students in Year 6 at the Century Park Campus unleashed their inner scientist and participated in a fun and interactive Science Fair. Since early January, the students had been working on their individual projects based on a scientific question that related to their personal interests.

      After the students had approved their topic proposal with their Co-Teachers, they were tasked with creating a hypothesis, conducting background research, carrying out testing, and analysing their results. Throughout the process, the classroom teachers and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) specialists guided students to use spreadsheets and electronic presentation programmes to organise and display their procedures and findings.

      The final outcome of the project was a great display of their conclusions at the Science Fair held in the campus gymnasium. For the fair, the students decorated large and colourful cardboard exhibits that visually depicted their hypothesis, method, results, and conclusion, showcasing both their creativity and hard work.

      On the day of the fair, the students’ classmates, teachers, and parents came to view their results and to hear the students share about their projects. Mr Damien Hehir and Ms Mary Yu, Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Primary Co-Principals at the Regency Park and Century Park Campuses also had the chance to browse the exciting fair and speak with students about their scientific pursuits. Yu said, “It is always enjoyable and enlightening when we have a chance to speak with the students about their learning. It was great to see so many parents in attendance, as well as the Year 4 and 5 students also visiting the Science Fair. Well done to the Year 6 students and their teachers!”

      In the Primary programme at YCIS Shanghai, Science is one of several co-teaching lessons that students participate in daily. To learn more about the Co-Teaching model at YCIS, click here.