School News
School News
22 Oct, 2017
10 : 00
The YCIS Parents Organisation Pudong (POP) recently arranged another massively successful event for the school community with their 2017 ‘POP Picnic and Bazaar’, held at the Regency Park Campus.
The fun-filled day offered a number of activities for children, including sports games, a petting zoo, face painting, and much more, and children and their parents also enjoyed the spectacular stage entertainment throughout the day, including a drum performance to start off the event by the incredible Japanese taiko drumming group, Wakio. The always-popular “Dunk Tank” was back for more fun this year, with faculty and staff members getting soaked more than once!
Families were well-fed by the host of food vendors on hand, and a bevvy of shopping vendors offered beautiful and delicious items for sale, such as home décor, jewellery, cupcakes and sweets, and handicraft gift items. POP also organized a raffle with fantastic prizes, ranging from restaurant vouchers to a children’s bicycle, to cooking classes, and many more items. The YCIS PudongGirl Scouts also made the rounds selling delicious cookies and handmade necklace lanyards.
The campus turned into a picnic ground, with families and friends relaxing on picnic blankets, enjoying the music and company of their friends, and once again, it was a POP Picnic to remember.
POP events provide an opportunity for families to spend time together with other members of the school community. With this tight-knit community, YCIS Shanghai provides a safe and encouraging environment for students to learn and grow. The strong sense of community is one of the reasons why families from over 50 countries have enrolled their children at YCIS Shanghai, and why school events like the POP Picnic and Bazaar are so well attended.
For more information about the supportive community at YCIS Shanghai, and to learn about the active Parents Organisation in Puxi and Pudong, please click here.