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    Global Child Day Inspires Action

    School News

    13 Jun, 2012

    10 : 00

    • The annual, parent-run Global Child Day celebration was a huge success and attracted more than 1,000 students, parents, teachers and administrators who enthusiastically celebrated the rich cultural diversity that makes up the school’s Pudong community. Attendees got to sample flavourful national dishes, watch a colourful traditional dress parade and learn from informative displays at each booth that centred on this year’s theme, “One Person Can Make a Difference”. 

      Each of the 20 countries represented, along with YCIS Shanghai’s Girl Scouts and the after-school programme, Ecology Action Team, decorated their booths with information on one figure or hero that fit the theme of the day. The Korean booth focused on King Sejong the Great (1397-1450) who published the Korean alphabet, while Abdul Sattar Edhi (1928-) was honoured for his work in creating the largest social welfare system in Pakistan. Italy and Spain chose to feature renowned artists Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso, respectively. Other figures included a cricketer, an astronaut, a philosopher, authors, scientists, an animator, an entrepreneur, explorers, a recycler, a queen, a heart surgeon and the founder of an elephant sanctuary. 

      The amazing mix of people featured, past and present, who have made a difference in the world, was an inspiration to everyone at this year’s Global Child Day to turn knowledge and talent into meaningful action.