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    YCIS Community Christmas Concerts Spread Christmas Cheer

    School News

    27 Dec, 2013

    10 : 00

    • YCIS Shanghai student musicians helped kick off the holiday season with a number of concerts held for the Shanghai community in December. YCIS’s Gubei Campus Secondary students started the concert series with performances at the Kerry Parkside shopping mall in Pudong. The Christmas cheer then spread across the river to Puxi at Three on the Bund, where the YCIS Parent's Organisation Puxi (POP) Choir, YCIS Shanghai's Regency Park Campus "Do Rei Mi" Choir, and a duet of Secondary students from the school’s Gubei Campus entertained guests during the New Heights annual tree-lighting ceremony. The holiday magic then continued with a second appearance by the “Do Rei Mi” Choir at Kerry Parkside, complete with students Christmas caroling throughout the mall.

      Ms Quana Madison, a Teacher Co-ordinator of the "Do Rei Mi" Choir, said, "The Christmas performances were a wonderful way for YCIS students to be involved in the community. After giving a beautiful performance at New Heights at Three on the Bund, students were thrilled when one of our singers was asked to press the button to light the Christmas tree on their terrace, and the students and audience alike were delighted when this also set off a spectacular show of fireworks in the background!" The performances were a wonderful way to offer warm holiday wishes to the Shanghai community!