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    YCIS Students Demonstrate Creativity, Action, and Service in Thailand

    School News

    10 Jun, 2014

    10 : 00

    • This spring, Year 12 students from Gubei Campus travelled to Northern Thailand as part of an annual two-week trip that provides students with the opportunity to experience curriculum-based fieldwork in an environment that also includes“Creativity, Action, and Service” (CAS) learning, which is a unique component of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme.

      Students experienced a wide variety of creative activities during the trip,and they learnt to express themselves in new and unique ways while studying cooking using traditional Thai “jungle” methods, Thai puppet theatre, Thai cultural dance, and traditional Thai songs. Creativity was also a key element required for students to succeed during their two-day leadership course, another module of the trip. The leadership course, which was led by an experienced corporate leadership trainer, educated the students through challenges that tested their teamwork and problem-solving capabilities. All students were given the opportunity to lead their small group through a series of exercises that helped enhance their communication and management skills.

      The natural environment of Northern Thailand was also an ideal setting for “Action” activities. During the trip, students and staff chaperones experienced kayaking, rock-climbing, zip-lining, bamboo-rafting, abseiling, Muay Thai kickboxing, low-ropes courses, and a full-day hike to a local village called Pa Kao Laam. Through these activities, students were able to truly embrace the “risk-taker” element of the IB Learner Profile. There was also an environmental focus through fieldwork, which included planting seedlings, managing young trees, making mud-bricks at an organic farm, making compost heaps, and washing and feeding goats. The rural landscape helped students appreciate and understand the importance of conserving our natural environment.

      Students also dedicated time during the trip towards the service component of CAS, by spending one day with young children at a Chiang Mai orphanage, playing, dancing, and laughing with the lovely, energetic children. Students also participated in another service-focused activity by helping renovate and build new sections of a local primary school in Pa Kao Laam. The YCIS students worked diligently in their service activities, impressing local guides and villagers with their hard work and dedication.

      Mr Felix Sibarani, CAS Co-ordinator at Gubei Campus, helped organise and lead the Thailand trip. He reflected upon the experience: “I can truly say that I am proud of what our Year 12 students achieved during this trip. Not only did they represent YCIS and themselves with integrity, I could clearly see personal growth and compassion for people and the environment during the adventure- filled two weeks.”

      After the educational trip, students submitted photos that highlighted their experience, providing an amazing showcase of images that represented the strong friendships among classmates, and also their deep respect for the local community and natural environment. Through these submissions, it is obvious that the annual Thailand trip holds a special place in the heart of YCIS Year 12 students.

      The focus on experiential learning that takes outside of the classroom during CAS activities at YCIS is one of the unique, distinct features of the IB programme. To learn more about the IB programme at YCIS, click here.