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    Primary Students Display Their Talents at Annual Performance Evening

    School News

    19 Nov, 2014

    10 : 00

    • At the beginning of November, more than 50 Primary students from Regency Park Campus participated in the annual, exciting Primary Performance Evening. Students from Year 1 through Year 4 presented a wide range of talents for their classmates, family, friends, and staff.

      This year, the performance evening included an incredible array of abilities: complex piano solos, advanced violin pieces, eloquent poetry reciting, mind-bending magic, and a variety of engaging songs and dances. From beginners in their “specialty” to advanced performers, all students did a tremendous job, much deserving of the spirited applause they received from the entertained audience.

      Providing opportunities for students to showcase their learning and skills in regular performances is a key benefit of the music programme at YCIS Shanghai. To learn more about the music programme at YCIS, click here.