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    Art Exhibition for YCIS IGCSE Students

    Student Blog

    15 Jun, 2016

    10 : 00

    • Anna, Year 11, Century Park Campus

      After nearly two years of creatively taxing and time-consuming work, the IGCSE Art and Design & Technology (D&T) exhibition is a welcome opportunity to showcase the products of all your work. Even as someone who is really passionate about art, the couple of weeks before our coursework was due and leading up to the exam were a bit stressful. The end of our exam in April brought about a great sense of relief.

      Still, for all of the work, the sense of reward is more than proportional. Over the two-year Art course, each student produces various pieces experimenting with different media and techniques which are eventually condensed into eight A2 pages of work and an outcome, showcasing a theme we pick in January in Year 11. After our coursework is finished, we spend eight weeks creating four more A2 sides of exam prep work, preparing for our final piece produced during an eight-hour practical exam. Although the Design & Technology final exam is written, students are also assessed on their practical coursework, going through various aspects of the design process and eventually building a product, such as a lamp or a chair.

      Once all of this work is done in late April, and we get to display our work in our own exhibition. This year, the exhibition took place in the Xi Lang Gallery in Shanghai, and there was a very satisfying turnout. Refreshments were provided and each student's work was displayed in their own area, where we could explain the themes and thought processes behind our work to our parents, teachers, and friends. Overall, the gallery brought a lovely sense of closure to our two years' of hard work, giving us a chance to appreciate and take pride in everything we had managed to create in YCIS’s IGCSE programme.